C-130 Reference

C-130 Aircraft Database

Civilian C-130s

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Found 210 aircraft, displaying 16- 30 [Sorted by USAF FY/n]
Aircraft T/V Local S/N AF/Unit Version Date Status Details
56-0511 3119 Delivered: 56-511 C-130A Jul 1957 [act] Details
Current: N121TG C-130A Jun 2024 [act]
56-0530 3138 Delivered: 56-530 C-130A Unknown [act] Details
Current: N131FF C-130A Jan 2015 [sto]
56-0531 3139 Delivered: 56-531 C-130A Unknown [act] Details
Current: N531BA C-130A Mar 1991 [act]
56-0534 3142 Delivered: 56-534 C-130A Unknown [act] Details
Current: N131HP C-130A Jan 2015 [sto]
56-0535 3143 Delivered: 56-535 C-130A Unknown [act] Details
Current: N133FF C-130A Unknown [act]
56-0537 3145 Delivered: 56-537 C-130A Unknown [act] Details
Current: N537UN C-130A Nov 2000 [scr]
56-0538 3146 Delivered: 56-538 C-130A Unknown [act] Details
Current: N130HP C-130A 17 Jun 2002 [w/o]
56-0540 3148 Delivered: 56-540 C-130A Unknown [act] Details
Current: N135FF C-130A 13 Aug 1994 [w/o]
56-0541 3149 Delivered: 56-541 C-130A Unknown [act] Details
Current: N136FF C-130A Jul 2002 [sto]
57-0459 3166 Delivered: 57-459 C-130A Unknown [act] Details
Current: N135HP C-130A Jun 1994 [sto]
57-0466 3173 Delivered: 57-466 C-130A Unknown [act] Details
Current: N466TM C-130A Aug 1989 [act]
57-0479 3186 Delivered: 57-479 C-130A Unknown [act] Details
Current: N479TM C-130A Unknown [i/a]
57-0482 3189 Delivered: 57-482 C-130A Unknown [act] Details
Current: N133HP C-130A Unknown [sto]
57-0499 3206 Delivered: A97-206 C-130A 18 Nov 1958 [act] Details
Current: RP-C3206 C-130A Nov 1993 [scr]
57-0500 3207 Delivered: A97-207 C-130A 25 Nov 1958 [act] Details
Current: N207GM C-130A Sep 2001 [scr]

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Abbreviations and symbols:
[act] Active [i/a] Instructional Airframe [sto] Stored (e.g. at AMARG)
[cld] Cancelled Order [msh] Involved in Mishap [w/o] Write-off
[con] Converted [o/o] On Order
[des] Destroyed (drone) [pre] Preserved (museum, gateguard) T/V LM Aero Type/Version (Construction) number
[emb] Embargoed [scr] Scrapped Photo Available
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