C-130 Reference

C-130 Aircraft Database

C-130 Hall of Fame: interesting aircraft

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Found 20 aircraft, displaying 1-15 [Sorted by FY/n]
Local S/N AF/Unit Aircraft Name Marked Date Details
53-396 53-3396 26 Aug 1955 Details
First C-130 Prototype

First C-130 prototype. Constructed at Burbank California. First flight was on August 23rd, 1954.
54-626 USAF AFSC 54-1626 "Vulcan Express" Jun 1967 Details
AC-130 Prototype

Prototype for the AC-130A but the 'AC' part was never designated. Modifications were done at Wright-Patterson AFB by Aeronautical Systems Division during March and April of 1967. Testing was then done in mid 1967 at Eglin AFB, Florida. Starting September 21, 1967 the aircraft did a 3 month combat deployment to test the aircrafts capability in a real combat environment and operated out of Nha Trang AB, South Vietnam. Often carried tail number 0-41626.
55-022 USAF 40 FLTS 55-0022 "Lone Wolf" Unknown Details
Last Operational USAF C-130A

Last operational flight of a USAF C-130A was on October 3, 2003 at Eglin AFB, Florida.
55-036 USAF 463 TCW 55-0036 Unknown Details
First public display of a C-130 in Europe.

First public display of a C-130 in Europe at Le Bourget, Paris for the first public appearance of the Hercules in Europe on May 28, 1957.
55-046 55-0046 Unknown Details
Early air refuelling testing

On loan from the USAF to the USMC for testing air refuelling with the C-130 in 1957 and 1958.
57-525 57-0525 Unknown Details
First C-130B

This was the first C-130B built.
80712 58-0712 08 Feb 1960 Details
Test aircraft for US Army C-130C.

Modified for trails for boundary layer control for the US Army to be C-130C with Short takeoff and landing capability. First flight was on February 8, 2014. Was fitted with a boundary layer air control system that consisted of a wider rudder, single-hinged flaps instead of the standard Fowler flaps, and two Allison YT56-A-6 jet engines under the outer wings. Bleed air from the jets was blown over the flaps and rudder to enhance lift and controllability. Flown for twenty-three hours before the Army lost interest.
148321 USNavy VX-6 59-5925 04 Dec 1971 Details
Repaired after 17 years buried in snow.

Force landed at Care Four, Antarctica after two JATO bottle came off and struck the aircraft. The ten man crew were uninjured but had to live in survival shelters for 80 hours until the weather improve enough to allow a rescue. It had been buried in the snow for 17 years before repairs began.
61-358 61-2358 02 May 2012 Details
First C-130E

First C-130E built. Also has been stated as the last C130E to be retired by the USAF and landed at Edwards AFB, California on May 2, 2012. The retirement of the last C-130E is not complety true since the USAF is still flying some, but it was the last for the AMC. The aircraft will eventually be put on display at the AFFTC museum.
61-358 61-2358 02 Nov 2024 Details
First C-130E

Finally moved from the South Base to be put on display at the AFFTC museum.
64-852 64-14852 Unknown Details
First C-130H

First C-130H built was an HC-130H. Ultimately HC-130H 64-14853 was delivered first. What was the first squadron assignment at Edwards AFB?
65-979 USAF 6514 TS 65-0979 Unknown Details
Max lift record

Operated at Edwards AFB, California for DC-130 tests. During it's time there it had a lift record with a metalic finish. Max external stores 40,000 lb
1721 87-0157 Unknown Details
Airborne Early Warning prototype

Modified to EC-130V with E-2C radome. Made first flight on July 31, 1991.
91-231 USAF 165 AS 91-1231 "Man o' War" 15 May 1992 Details

Hercules number 2000 built operated first by the 165th Airlift Squadron.
92-253 USAF 4 SOS 92-0253 "8 ball" 22 Oct 1997 Details
Set a record with another AC-130U and establised the longest sustained C-130 flight with a 36hr non-stop 8,000 mile flight from Hulburt Field to Taegu Air Base, South Korea.

12 Next Last

Abbreviations and symbols:
[act] Active [i/a] Instructional Airframe [sto] Stored (e.g. at AMARG)
[cld] Cancelled Order [msh] Involved in Mishap [w/o] Write-off
[con] Converted [o/o] On Order
[des] Destroyed (drone) [pre] Preserved (museum, gateguard) T/V LM Aero Type/Version (Construction) number
[emb] Embargoed [scr] Scrapped Photo Available
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Errors and Omissions
Aug 09, 2015 - 02:16 AM
First 'E" model

LAC 3609 was the first "E" AF 61-2358 , There were 15 other early "E's" which were actually converted "B"'s They had special beef-up in the outer wings for the External tank and the Shelf Brackets (MLG ) were converted and different from the production "E"s . I flew 3609 in Marietta when it was the test bed for -15 engines and several times when it went through PDM . At the PDM Depot we referred to the first 16 "E"'s as "B-E"'s as an aid to prevent confusion from "real" "E":|"'s. WBH

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