C-130 Hercules News
Reflecting on the past: The 911th Airlift Wing's journey with the C-130 Hercules
As the U.S. military continues to modernize into a more lethal, ready force and develop tomorrow’s Air Force, innovations bring new advancements to light. At the same time, these advancements push beloved weapons systems into the history books.
C-130 Hercules 70 Years Strong and Growing
The ever-enduring C-130 Hercules celebrated 70 years of unwavering service last year. Since its inception in 1954, the Hercules continues to be used in over 70 countries with more than a million flight hours and growing.
Nevada ANG Activated for Firefighting to assist in the greater Los Angeles area
U.S. Northern Command has activated eight C-130 aircraft equipped with Modular Aerial Fire Fighting Systems (MAFFS) and associated personnel to relocate from their home stations to the Channel Islands in Southern California to support firefighting efforts in the Los Angeles area.
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C-130 Fleet Status
C-130 fleet - Feb 7, 2025
Fleet overview:
scrapped: 179
write-off: 351
preserved: 92
stored: 583
instructional: 160
on order: 3
active: 1313
Changes '23/'24:
Fleet adds: 5
Fleet drop: 14
Sponsor - New
Today in C-130 history

Quote of the Day
The only time a fighter has too much gas is when it's on fire.
-- CDR Tom Sobieck, VF-51, 1989
C-130 Hall of Fame
Airborne Early Warning prototype
USCG #1721
Modified to EC-130V with E-2C radome. Made first flight on July 31, 1991.
See more C-130 Aircraft profiles
The C-130 Forum
Son Tay MC-130Eedpop
HC-130J checkoutedpop
New book on the C-130daswp
Lockheed Martin and Tata Advanced System...mekong68
The future of the AC-130 Gunship - Evolv...mekong68
Workhorse of the Air: C-130 Celebrates 7...edpop
Congress eyes LC-130Jhornetfinn
AC-130 Ghost Rider lands on highwayedpop
1st of eight C-130J's delivered to Youn...mekong68
AC-130J Ghostrideredpop
Engineer Charged in conjuntion with the ...daswp
Lockheed delivers 2700th C-130edpop
Lars Olausson production list booksmekong68
Taiwan to upgrade 19 C-130 aircraftedpop
What am I seeing on this HC-130B??c130kcf
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Military Aviation Forum
Russia-Ukraine War 2022hornetfinn
Israeli-Iranian tensions - Escalating ae...hornetfinn
Boeing F-15EX Eagle IIhornetfinn
USAF/NGAD Solution?sprstdlyscott...
Navy declares IOC on IRST21hornetfinn
The South Korean KF-XCorsair1963
The Aerospace Thread aka the Museumviperzerof-2
Chinese analysis part IIdisconnectedr...
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Callsign of the day

Callsign "Jeff"

This pilot's name was Jeff, he was the commander of his unit, one day he requested a call sign, one guy in the corner was laughing, he suggested the callsign "Jeff" as commanders didn't like to be called by their name
More callsigns on F-16.net
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