C-130 Hercules News
Worldwide C-130J fleet soars past 3 Million Flight Hours
Lockheed Martin announced today at the Farnborough International Airshow that the worldwide C-130J Super Hercules fleet surpassed 3 million flight hours. With 545+ Super Hercules delivered worldwide, this achievement reflects the C-130J's unmatched global reach, multi-mission versatility and proven tactical performance capabilities.
Lockheed Martin delivers First C-130J-30 to Ohio Youngstown Air Reserve Station
Lockheed Martin delivered the first (#20-5982) of eight C-130J-30 Super Hercules tactical airlifters assigned to the Ohio Youngstown Air Reserve Station, marking the addition of a new mission capability for the Super Hercules ― the aerial spray mission.
USA turns over C-130H to Botswana Defence Force
U.S. Ambassador Howard A. Van Vranken, U.S. Ambassador to Botswana, and USMCs, Gen. Michael Langley, Commander, U.S. Africa Command, participated in the official transfer of a former U.S. military C-130 Hercules aircraft #OM4 to the Botswana Defence Force in a significant step towards enhancing Botswana's defence capabilities, June 27.
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C-130 Fleet Status
C-130 fleet - Jul 27, 2024
Fleet overview:
scrapped: 180
write-off: 351
preserved: 90
stored: 577
instructional: 157
on order: 1
active: 1314
Changes '23/'24:
Fleet adds: 11
Fleet drop: 41
Sponsor - New
Today in C-130 history

Quote of the Day
Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning.
-- Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
C-130 Hall of Fame
First LM-100J built
Civilian #N5103D
First Lockheed Martin LM-100J commercial freighter aircraft achieved a critical milestone with the completion of its first flight on May 25th
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The C-130 Forum
1st of eight C-130J's delivered to Youn...mekong68
AC-130J Ghostrideredpop
Engineer Charged in conjuntion with the ...daswp
Lockheed delivers 2700th C-130edpop
Lars Olausson production list booksmekong68
Taiwan to upgrade 19 C-130 aircraftedpop
What am I seeing on this HC-130B??c130kcf
C-130J video from Lockheed Martinedpop
C-130 Video from Lockheededpop
NO laser weapons for the AC-130Jdaswp
Four MC_130 flying low level in the Mach...daswp
3000th Herkmekong68
Looking for E Model Wingsaizaz_qadeer
Lockheed C-130J-30 Super Hercules Algeri...muc-spotter
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Military Aviation Forum
Aviation speed- how we were or are misle...wrightwing
Boeing F-15EX Eagle IIh-bomb
Aerospace Picture of the Dayviperzerof-2
Russia-Ukraine War 2022darkmount
The Aerospace Thread aka the Museumjetblast16
B-21 Raider Threadtank-top
NGAD double the price of F-35?rowbeartoe
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Callsign of the day

Callsign "Casper"

Hired by the Syracuse Guard unit and United Airlines the same month. Went to airline training and didn't show up at the Guard unit for two months..as in "The Ghost".
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