USAF C-130D #57-0491 from 17th TAS on skis in Greenland, circa 1963. [Photo by James R Craig]
USAF C-130D #57-0490 from 17th TAS somewhere over Greenland circa 1963. [Photo by James R Craig]
Photo of 63-7771 with Spooky nose art as it returned from Mildenhall, England. I was in Corrosion Control and had to remove it from the nose..I guess you can find almost anything on Google!
Close up of Spooky
Moving POWs at Côn Sơn Airport, Vietnam with C-130E 63-7850. [unknown photograher]
USAF MC-130J #19-0865, the 2600th, C-130J seen on its delivery flight to the 9th SOS on October 22, 2019, [Lockheed Martin photo by Andrew McMurtrie]
USAF C-130B 60-0294. [unknown photographer]
Ground trainer at Sheppard AFB. Photo taken by Frank McCurdy 191027.
MC-130 66-0216 as a ground trainer at Sheppard AFB, Texas. [Photo taken by Frank McCurdy]
41AS J model 08-3173 on approach to NAS Ft. Worth, 11-16-19. Photo by Keith Snyder.
11-5740, 41AS, landing at NAS Ft. Worth. Photo by Keith Snyder.
USAF C-130J-30 #17-5865 from the 317 AW is seen powering up at Cherbourg Maupertus Airport on June 05, 2019. [Photo by Alexis Boidron]
USAF C-130J-30 #16-5849 from the 317 AW seen at the Dubai Air Show 2019 on November 17, 2019. [Photo by Simon Reichert]
USAF AC-130U #89-1056 from 4 SOS 'SPOOKY 48' is seen departing Alliance Airport headed home to Hurlburt Field on August 16, 2019. [Photo by Brandon Thetford]
USAF C-130J-30 #16-5849 from the 317 AW seen at the Dubai Air Show 2019 on November 17, 2019. [Photo by Jeremy Denton]