ANG C-130 Photos

  • 78-0809 185TAS OKC 8-1-80 Stewart (1)
    USAF C-130H #78-0809 from 185TAS OK ANG was seen on the Oklahoma City ramp on August 1, 1980. [Photo by Stewart]
  • 79-0476 183MAS NortonAFB 3-21-81 Niedermeier (1)
    USAF C-130H #79-0476 from 183TAS Miss ANG was seen at Norton AFB on March 21, 1981. [Photo by Niedermeier]
  • 82-0056 156COMPG HickamAFB 6-90 Mullendore (1)
    USAF C-130H #82-0056 from 144th TAS, AK ANG, carrying markings for the 156th Composite Group seen on the Hickam AFB ramp in Dec. 1990. [Photo by Bob Mullendore]
  • 62-3495 150TFG KNBE 10-19-91 Snyder (1)
    62-3495, belonging to the 150th TacFtrGrp, NM ANG, landing at NAS Dallas on October 19, 1991. Photo by Keith Snyder.
  • 62-1795 154TATS 9-26-89 (1)
    USAF C-130E #62-1795 from 154 TATS, AR ANG seen on September 26, 1989. [Photo by Keith Synder]
  • 78-0812 185AS OKC 6-18-93 Wilson (1)
    USAF C-130H #78-0812 from 185th AS OK ANG, seen at Oklahoma City on June 18, 1993. [Photo by Peter Wilson]
  • 78-0812 185AS OKC 6-18-93 Wilson a (1)
    USAF C-130H #78-0812 from 185th AS OK ANG, seen at Oklahoma City on June 18, 1993. [Photo by Peter Wilson]
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    USAF C-130J-30 #16-5855 from 181 AS was seen at Harrisburg Int'l Airport on April 8, 2023. [Photo by Connor Ochs]
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    USAF C-130J-30 #16-5855 from 181 AS was seen at Ramstein Air Force Base on November 8, 2023. [Photo by Knopp Luca]
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    USAF C-130J-30 #19-5936 from 181 AS is seen on the ramp at Miami Int'l Airport on September 6, 2023. [Photo by Victor Manuel Machado de León]
  • 57-0487
    USAF C-130D #57-0487 from 109th TAG, NYANG, was seen at Schenectady, in June 1980. [Photographer unknown]
  • 62-1829
    USAF C-130E #62-1829 from 158th TAS was seen at Dobbins, in November 1976. [Photographer unknown]
  • 79-0477 183TAS (1)
    USAF C-130H #79-0477 from the 183rd TAS, MS ANG. Date unknown. [Photographer unknown]
  • 79-0479 183TAS (1)
    USAF C-130H #79-0479, from the 183rd TAS, MS ANG. Date unknown. [Photographer unknown]
  • GA Delivery Group
    U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Thomas Carden The Adjutant General of Georgia National Guard (Center) poses with the Lockheed Martin team as they celebrate the delivery of the Lockheed Martin C-130J-30 Super Hercules in Marietta, Georgia on Jan 22, 2024. [Lockheed Martin photo by Damien Guarnieri]