SMSgt. Joshua Jay, a 154th Training Squadron flight engineer instructor, inspects the top of the new C-130H #92-0548 NP 2000 on loan to the squadron from the 192nd AS on October 21, 2022, at Little Rock AFB. The NP 2000 is similar to the C-130H model flown at the 189th AIrlift Wing, with a few differences such as the eight-bladed props on the NP 2000 compared to the four-bladed props on the legacy C-130. [ANG photo by MSgt. Jessica Roles]
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News: Legacy C-130 schoolhouse training continues after the arrival of NP 2000 [2022-10-27]
With the recent legacy C-130 fleet grounding due to cracks in affected propeller blades, units flying the aircraft across the Department of Defense were working around the clock to find alternative solutions to mission support. As the C-130H schoolhouse which trains all legacy C-130 aircrew stateside and overseas, the 189th Airlift Wing at Little Rock Air Force Base felt the pressure and worked diligently to find a solution.
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