USN LC-130F 148321 seen covered with snow. After unloading a French traverse team on December 4 1971, the pilot made a JATO take-off to return to McMurdo 750 nautical miles away. At an altitude of about 50 feet, two JATO bottles separated from the left-hand side of the fuselage and struck the inboard engine and propeller. With the gearbox and propeller torn off and the outboard propeller damaged by flying debris, the aircraft was seriously damaged on impact. The ten man crew were uninjured but had to live in survival shelters for 80 hours until the weather improve enough to allow a rescue plane to land. Recovered after being buried by snow for 17 years in Antarctica. [photo courtesy of VXE-6 website from "United States Aircraft Losses in Antarctica"]
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C-130 #148321
Force landed at Care Four, Antarctica after two JATO bottle came off and struck the aircraft. The ten man crew were uninjured but had to live in survival shelters for 80 hours until the weather improve enough to allow a rescue. It had been buried in the snow for 17 years before repairs began.
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