C-130 Mishap Photos

C-130 Da Nang July 1966 4 Prop
Photo of C-130A #56-0469 showing the damage to engine 4 after crash landing at Da Nang Airbase on July 7, 1966. [USAF photo]


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  • Aircraft Database: C-130 #56-469

    While flying a mission to Qui Nhon Air Base the right aft main gear broke and was hanging down from three to five feet below the forward gear, with the wheel turned 90° from its normal position. The aircraft was forced to fly to Da Nang Air Base after jettisoning its load of mixed cargo and explosives over water 25 miles east Northeast of Nha Trang. The aircraft touched smoothly-just before the start of the foam, roll-out was uneventful until the end of the foam strip was reached, when the sudden increase in drag from the damaged gear evidently resulted in an tilt to the right sufficient to cause the number 4 engines propeller to strike the runway and separated from the engine.

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